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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The definition of STUPID

Once again there are "cute" pictures of people living with deer, being licked by them, petting them and allowing the deer into their homes.  We have a term for these people:  Idiots.

First, even Walt Disney had Bambi playing with other animals, not people, and Disney was the ultimate "warm and fuzzy brainless" guy out there.  People do not interact with Bambi, except where a hunter gets Bambi's mother.  People and Bambi were a bad mix.

Second, deer are WILD animals.  There are people injured and killed by "pet" deer.  Here are a couple of links:

Individuals who allow deer into their homes and up close in their yards lack any sense whatsoever.  The deer can seriously injure children and sometimes adults.  Deer have ticks that cause lyme disease.  Perhaps that's okay?  Lyme disease is just part of beautiful nature and your three year old hospitalized for lyme disease is no big deal, right?  It's far more important to foster emotional stupidity in your child than responsible, rational thought.  And in the end, having the deer in your yard and taking pictures, posting on youtube, sending emails are far more important than the health and welfare of your kid.  Kids outgrow cute, deer do not.

I post pictures of deer on my blog, yes.  I want to make it very clear I do NOT name the deer, pet the deer, let the deer in my house or any other emotionally gratifiying yet so stupid actions.  The deer are in my yard because I have tall sagebrush and trees, plus a small "pond".  The habitat is favorable.  I do not feed the deer.  I chase them away from my trees if I see them eating (I may take a photo first, then yell.) The deer laying against my house will jump up and run if I open the window, just like a wild animal is supposed to.  They are NOT pets.  

One year during hunting season I actually carried a gun everywhere in my yard because some of the deer had become aggressive.  One doe in particular would stomp the ground and snort at me.  I actually was afraid she would attack when I came around a blind corner of the house or garage.  

Message here:
Deer are NOT pets.  Only very stupid people make them into pets.  If you are one of the stupid people and the deer injure your children or you or give you a disease, check the mirror.  YOU injured your child or made them sick, YOU injured yourself or made yourself sick.  Hopefully it was worth the internet fame.  It certainly proves how little people care about wildlife and their own families.

This picture is take with a telephoto lens from my bedroom window.  Cropping makes the deer look closer.  This is as it should be.  

I have written about this in the past, and the damage the deer do to one's yard.  People who have deer licking their faces and checking out the barbecue have deer feces all over their yard.  Talk about an invitation to disease.  It is difficult to fathom the romance in a yard full of feces, wildlife in one's home and inviting injury and disease to fall upon one's family.  

Two days ago, Wyoming resembled the 1930s dust bowl.  We had a high wind warning and around 4 pm, the wind hit a real high.  Dust was blinding in areas.  Earlier, when getting the groceries out of my car at 2:30, I had difficulty walking against the wind and was pelted with sand.  By 4 pm, the blowing dust had greatly increased.
Part of the reason for the dust is a decade-long drought.  Rain was almost nonexistent this summer.  We got half an inch in July.  Snow is also noticeably absent.
The other factor is the construction of subdivisions and the continual encouraging of horse ownership.  Subdivisions disturb the ground and open up sand for blowing.  Horses eat 40 acres to the ground and allow the dust to blow around.
I realize people have to live somewhere.  Part of the problem is Wyoming allows subdivisions of 35 acres or more to have nothing but a blade-cut road that is never maintained.  This exposes miles of sand to the Wyoming wind.  However, there are millions to be made by selling off ranches in 40 acre plots.  Maintaining roads is expensive and cuts into profits.  Money has always been more important than conservation and with the internet, one can easily sell land not suited for multiple residences to people who see a low price and buy in.  Californians have done this for years.  Celebrities help sell plots in the desert as home sites.  How to stop it?  Smarter buyers would be the only chance.
As for horses, I can provide much photographic evidence of damages, if anyone wishes to see why I make this claim.  A look on Google maps will show you which homeowners have horses--the brown, barren lots have horses, the greener ones do not.
Since pictures are said to be worth a thousand words, here goes:

I lightened the pictures to help show the sand.  This was close to sunset and the sand in the air made it darker still.

I'm not good with a video camera, so please excuse the funky breaks and feet!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wasted spending on so-called animal control

Again, I am faced with Natrona county Wyoming spending thousands and thousands of dollars and wasting thousands of gallons of gas to pay people to drive around in a truck and tell the citizens of the county "There's nothing I can do."  These individuals make a good wage and have benefits with the job.  To drive around and say "There's nothing I can do."  WHY?

I find it impossible to fathom why the city fathers feel throwing thousands of dollars into a program that involves nothing more than telling people there's nothing they can do is justified.  It's just flat out stupid.  I can find no other term that fits it.  The people who support it are wasting tax money and cheating the residents out of real services the money could provide.

Game and Fish does the same thing.  Forget reporting wildlife harassment.  If they don't see it, it didn't happen.  I advise watching the illegally running do that Metro refuses to deal with slaughter the deer and rabbits in your yard.  It's natural, remember.  It's not like anyone cares.  They CLEARLY do not.

Again, if you plan on moving to Natrona county, learn to love wildlife slaughter, your yard destroyed and your own pet unable to use your yard because the only thing Natrona county cares about is paying people to drive around and do nothing.  Welcome to Wyoming, where we don't give a crap about law-abiding citizens rights, only the lawbreaker with the killer dog.

Have a wonderful life here.